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Speed: 13 | Glide: 4 | Turn: -0.5 | Fade: 3
Axiom Discs' Panic has plenty of beef to handle headwinds and torqued-up sidearms. Its overstability holds the Panic on any kind of hyzer line and allows steep anyhyzer flex flights. For high-power throwers the Panic will be a useful utility driver, while newer and average throwers will get an extremely over-stable flight.
CLASS | 23mm Distance Drivers |
WEIGHTS | 165g - 175g |
DIAMETER | 21.1cm |
RIM WIDTH | 23mm |
PDGA MAX WEIGHT | 175.1g |
The Panic is an extremely demanding driver and will perform quite overstable for even high-powered throwers. Beginning players may get better results for an overstable driver from lower speed classes.
For those able to activate it, the Panic can display a long straight travel before it begins fading. Without the juice, Panic will begin its fade earlier, perfect for many utility throws. Whether for utility overstable or max distance overstable, the Panic should add a unique flavor to most GYRO™ bags.